Taiwanese Stir-Fried Pickled Mustard
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Taiwanese Stir-fried Pickled Mustard Greens

A Chinese sauerkraut, Pickled Mustard Greens aka 酸菜, literally means sour vegetable in Mandarin. Pickled Mustard can be found in most supermarkets, sold in packages like the one below.

Pickled Mustard

It’s really easy and simple to prepare, just by stir-frying it with some dried chili, rice wine and sugar! Adding it to any meaty dishes, helps to cut the fat oily flavor and bringing a nice balance to the dish. Serve it together with your bowl of beef noodles or Crispy Pork Chop Rice Bento!

Taiwanese Stir-Fried Pickled Mustard

Stir-Fried Pickled Mustard

Adding Pickled Mustard Greens to any meaty dishes, will help to cut the fatty flavour and bring a nice balance to the dish.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes
Course Appetizer, Side Dish
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 2 cups


  • 1 packet pickled mustard greens (酸菜)
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 2 dried chillies cut in small pieces and seeds discarded
  • 2 tbsps sugar
  • 1 tbsp rice wine


  • Wash the pickled mustard and squeeze out excess liquid. Cut into small bite-sized pieces.
  • Heat oil in frying pan and fry dried chillies until they have started to turn black.
  • Add in the pickled mustard vegetable, stir-fry for 5 minutes over medium-low heat.
  • Add sugar and rice wine. Mix well, and taste. Adjust the seasoning as you wish.
  • Store in container, it can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.


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